Sunday, November 10, 2013

Teen's course of growth

In this week class, we focused on how the society change brought different worries to teenagers during they growing up. In the past, during the puberty, teenagers' parents always want them to grow up faster and faster to really take the social and family responsibility seriously. However, teenagers often need more time to adjust their new social and family roles after they become young adults. In this whole process, they may had many unavoidable confusions, contradictions and conflicts with their parents. All in all, teenagers has a long process to learn how to become an adult during the puberty in the past. Normally, their parents always want to curtail their process and force teenagers to grow up faster. However, in the current age, all this could be changed. Now, the young teens could be mature really early and know about the society more through the pop culture and advanced technologies. They may act and think like adult when they are still early teen age. That is how they saw and learned from TV and internet. Through these technological network, they learn how to act and be adult. On the other hand, the young teens want to get people's acknowledgment for their social position and role as an adult, they want to behavior like adult. However, their physical and mental maturity are not ready for the new social status as what they want. That is why parents want to slow down course of growth of their children. When a person's subjective ideology start to encourage him/her to do something but his/her objective physical and mental conditions are not ready yet, that is dangerous. Because of the social cultural changes and technological developments, teenagers' course of growth and parents' perspective also changed.

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