Saturday, November 30, 2013

economic analysis

In this week, we talk about how the globalized economics influence the world. In our scenario, we tried to looking for the solution to example who is the beneficiary and who is the victim in this case. My personal analysis on this case is that no one actually benefit. The American cooperation want to looking for the cheaper labors and pay less cost in some other country. This reason drive them leave China to move to other place such as Vietnam, Cambodia or Africa to build new factories and hire new workers. However, after they decide to move to these new places, they also have to face on the new challenges to start their business. For example, they have to training new labors to work for them. At the same time, they need to build the new factories and other related facilities for their technicians and other people. More importantly, how to get the support from these countries' government could be an important task for these cooperation. From Chinese labors' perspective, they lost job because of American cooperation' leave. However, the huge domestic market in China could offer other opportunities for these skillful labors. I think they can find a new job quickly. For the Chinese government, because of their high speed economics growing, they need to encourage more and more national industries' development. Since the American cooperation decide to leave China, it actually offer a great opportunities for Chinese own national industries to take over the economic black that American cooperation left. For American consumers, they may face on the new higher price because of the increase of cost price. I think simply leave is not a good response and solution for economic conflict but may bring more serious damages for all the party.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


This week class, we mainly focus on how to identify “freedom” this term in the society and culture. As what people know that the “freedom” is a fundamental social value in American history and society. However, how to identify the range of freedom that citizens has which is a hard question to answer. Many people thought that citizens should enjoy complete “freedom” in this society. That is not the reality shows to us. The limited freedom could guarantee the social normal running. People have to perform their social responsibility during they enjoy their freedom in this society. The freedom is solitary term or definition but a social contract. This world did not really exist the absolute freedom. For example, American government issued the famous “patriot Act” in 2001 after the “9.11”. This new act allowed government legally check citizen's email, phone history, and other social record to against terrorism. That could be a simple example to explain what are the contradictions between social contract and individual freedom. I personally think that government need to use effective ways to prevent terrorists to hurt other individuals and society. However, this act directly violate the basic definition of “freedom” based on American culture and history. On the other hand, if our society do not have these terrorists to use attack of terrorism to take other people's freedom and life, how government need response like this? All in all, the social “freedom” is not an easy term to explain and understand, it have to relate with social reality and culture. The real freedom should make people bring more social togetherness to our world but not create estrangement and hate between individuals.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

generation gap

This week we only have one lecture on Wednesday, so we still stay on the topic we discussed last week about the generation gap in the family. I think the reason that many parents have a hard time to communicate with their children about how to help teens grow up during their puberty is because they have totally understanding about this world and life value. Parents already had hard time to fit in the society when they are teenagers. They do not want their children have same difficult process as what they experienced before. However, the teens feels that they are ready to deal with the world alone by themselves with their full of the curiosities. They do not want to listen and follow what their parents' outdated social experiences and value. They have their own dream and hope about their new life and new world they will face on. Here is really hard to judge that who is right or wrong. The generation gap exist in every families and households no matter in which country or culture. Today, following with the high speed technological and economical development, people's social and family value also changed really fast. Now, the generation gap between different generations could be so short. No wonder that parents can not completely understand and feel what their children's world and value. However, I believe that the communication could be the only key point to help family member to make up this factual “gap” between parents and their children. If they both understand how much they love each other during teenagers grow up this particular process, I think at least they can find a balance to make up the distance between each others.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Teen's course of growth

In this week class, we focused on how the society change brought different worries to teenagers during they growing up. In the past, during the puberty, teenagers' parents always want them to grow up faster and faster to really take the social and family responsibility seriously. However, teenagers often need more time to adjust their new social and family roles after they become young adults. In this whole process, they may had many unavoidable confusions, contradictions and conflicts with their parents. All in all, teenagers has a long process to learn how to become an adult during the puberty in the past. Normally, their parents always want to curtail their process and force teenagers to grow up faster. However, in the current age, all this could be changed. Now, the young teens could be mature really early and know about the society more through the pop culture and advanced technologies. They may act and think like adult when they are still early teen age. That is how they saw and learned from TV and internet. Through these technological network, they learn how to act and be adult. On the other hand, the young teens want to get people's acknowledgment for their social position and role as an adult, they want to behavior like adult. However, their physical and mental maturity are not ready for the new social status as what they want. That is why parents want to slow down course of growth of their children. When a person's subjective ideology start to encourage him/her to do something but his/her objective physical and mental conditions are not ready yet, that is dangerous. Because of the social cultural changes and technological developments, teenagers' course of growth and parents' perspective also changed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


In the reading of this week, it mainly talk about how the TV influenced the society and the Pop culture's spread in the world. In the human history, The TV's invention deeply change the world and people's daily life style. As one of the most important invention in history, TV largely expand people's angle of vision in their life. Before the TV's invention, people use books, radio and other ways to spread the culture and knowledge to each other. Although these propagational modes could complete the cultural spread in a sense, it had many serious limitation and short comes. Cultural spread need a stereoscopic media to make people easily understand and accept the new culture from other group. TV is not only could comprehensively use its sounds, pictures, colors to display the cultural information to the audiences but also people could feel the different cultures through the live broadcast of TV. In the human history, here is really hard to find another technical invention to compare its influence and contributions with TV. Even today, the computer and internet become more and more important and popular, it also follow with the TV's creative concept to make their own success to help our society to spread the culture and information faster, safer and cheaper. For this point of view, the TV's invention actually created a new type of media to help people manage their life and world better. That is how TV really change and influent our life and world.